%880 On a stone path at Cliff of Heaven, Place of Seven Caves %886 walk Lord 5 Flower %884 and Lady 3 Flint "Shell Quechquemitl-Feathered Serpent." %885 Year 7 Reed, Day 5 Flower (?) is the sacred date. %883 Lord 10 Vulture Bearer of the Shell, the Roll of Paper, the staff of rulership: the Flint Staff; %881 and Lord 10 Reed Bearer of the Sacred Bundle, the Fire Drill, the staff of rulership: the Bundle Staff; %882 emerge from Island of Stone and Island of the Eagle. %875 Upon Cliff of the Eagle, above Place of the Mountain of Fire, %889 in the Year 4 Flint, on the Day 8 Motion, %874 stand the ancient Bearers of the Tobacco Gourds: Lord 10 Rain "Fire-breathing Jaguar" %879 and Lord 10 Grass "Fire-breathing Jaguar." Both carry in their hand a precious cup with an offering of tortillas and tamales. %873 Around the Sacred Enclosure of Clouds stand %878 Lord 1 Rain, "Rain," %877 Lord 1 Rain, "Rain," %872 and Lord 7 Rain, holding a torch. %876 and Lord 7 Rain, holding a torch. %869 Lord 2 Reed "Tezcatlipoca", holding a quail, %865 and Lord 4 Jaguar "Jaguar-Quetzalcoatl" %866 stand within the Enclosure on Mountain of Red Volutes. %871 Lord 1 Death "Rain, " surrounded by clouds, %870 Lord 1 Death "Rain, " surrounded by clouds, %867 and Lady 9 Serpent "Blue Garments, " surrounded by clouds, %888 and Lady 9 Serpent "Blue Garments, " surrounded by clouds, %868 hover above Snow-Capped Mountains. Below them, between the Snow-Capped Mountains, %890 are the Plant Lords, Lord 7 Death and Lord 7 Reed. %891 The sacred date is Year 7 Flint, Day 8 Motion. %864 Lady 3 Flint "Shell Quechquemitl" %861 and Lord 5 Flower set out upon a journey to found a kingdom. They are accompanied by %860 Lord 10 Reed, with Flint Staff and Sacred Bundle, %863 and Lord 10 Vulture, with Bundle Staff and Sacred Bundle, %862 and Lord 10 Grass, ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, %859 and Lord 10 Rain, ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd. These last two carry in their hand a precious cup with an offering of tortillas and tamales. %854 [They arrive at a great ceremonial center.] Within the River of Flowers %894 Lady 3 Flint has been transformed into a feathered serpent. She raises chiles and makes an offering of incense. With reverence she petitions for the favor of conception %895 from Lady 1 Eagle, who concedes to this supplication and presents a disk of jade: Lady 3 Flint is now pregnant. %848 Two temples stand near the banks of this river. One is a round Altar of the Yawi, roofed and crenellated, entrance to the Ballcourt of Darkness. %858 The other, near a Cave, the open jaws of the earth, %857 is the precious Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which %892 houses the sacred bundle of Lord 9 Wind "Flint." %893 houses the sacred bundle of Lord 9 Wind "Flint." %855 Year 10 Reed, Day 7 Rain is the sacred date of this place. %851 Nearby, at the foot of the Smoking Mountain of Sand, Yaa Yuta, the Mountain of the West, %856 Lady 3 Flint "Shell Quechquemitl" performs a ritual with an incense burner and maguey spine for autosacrifice. %850 The priest Lord 10 Wind makes an offering of a quail %853 The priest Lord 10 Wind makes an offering of a quail %847 and the priest Lord 10 Reed makes an offering of chiles. %852 Lord 5 Flower, who is also a priest, draws blood from his ear with an awl of bone, %849 before Volcanic Mountain of Motion and Fire %846 and Mountain of the Place of Origin, the Place of the Seat of the dynasties and the kingdoms. %837 [The Birth and Peregrination of Lady 3 Flint (Daughter)] At Valley of Crossed Reeds and Tree, of Ash and Flowers, %843 the priest Lord 9 Motion %836 and the priest Lord 10 Wind %840 supervise the heating of a sweatbath in order to bathe the woman who has just given birth. %917 At the same time, an offering is placed within the Valley: a bowl of tortillas and a tamales and two Reed Bundles. %841 Year 3 Flint, Day 3 Flint is the sacred date. %844 Lady "Shell Quechquemitl-Feathered Serpent," gives birth. Because of the day of her birth, this child is also named Lady 3 Flint, but her nickname is "Jade Quechquemitl." %838 Then Lady "Feathered Serpent" enters a mouth of stone, which leads to a subterranean House of Water. %839 There she is transformed into a river which flows from the rock; its waters are filled with fish and shellfish. %842 At the two sides of the river are two priests: the ancient bearer of the tobacco gourd, Lord 10 Grass, %845 and the priest Lord 10 Reed, %835 as well as two gods: Lord 9 Wind "Wind," %834 and Lord 7 Flower "Sun." %833 Afterwards, Lord 5 Flower %832 and his daughter Lady 3 Flint, set out on a peregrination. %825 They make their way to the Burning Mountain and the Mountain of Venus where they are received by %829 Lord 5 Wind, dressed as a priest and offering fire, %824 and Lord 5 Eagle, dressed as a priest and offering a quail. %821 The Sacred Bundle, the Fire Drill, the Roll of Paper, the Flint Staff and the Bundle Staff are all displayed. %826 Year 7 Rabbit, Day 3 Flower is the sacred date. %827 The Two-Headed Eagle, the coessence of Lord 10 Alligator, %828 lifts a great shell and the young Lady 3 Flint into the air. %822 In this way Lady 3 Flint arrives at River of the Tree and Hair. Grandmother 1 Eagle, %823 and the venerated and enthroned Grandfather 1 Grass, %831 and Lord 4 Deer, %830 and Lord 4 Death, seated upon a stone, all receive the young Lady 3 Flint and give her advice. %819 Later, Young Lady 3 Flint "Jade Quechquemitl," is ritually greeted by %811 Lord 7 Rain, "Rain," who makes her an offering of quail, %816 Lord 7 Rain, "Rain," who makes her an offering of quail, %815 and Lord 1 Rain, who makes her an offering of fire, %806 at Mountain of the Bundle, Place of the Bundle. %810 Next, young Lady 3 Flint goes %808 to the White Plain, %812 where a dog and a quail are sacrificed. %807 Here she receives teachings of the three seated on stones-- her father, Lord 5 Flower %817 and the ancient Bearers of the Tobacco Gourds: Lord 10 Grass %820 and Lord 10 Rain; %814 Finally, young Lady 3 Flint goes to the River by White Plain. She makes an offering of copal with an incense burner and with a Vessel of the Rain God. There, young Lady 3 Flint is instructed again %809 by Lord 4 Deer %XXX by Lord 4 Deer %818 and Lord 4 Death. %795 In the Sacred Enclosure of Place Between the Mountains a great ceremony takes place, supervised by the priests seated upon stones: %805 Lord 7 Reed %794 and Lord 4 Motion. %801 The ceremony is centered upon a great altar upon which tortillas/firewood burns and a tamale smolders. %799 Lord 9 Flower offers and lights the fire, %803 and Lord 10 Rain, ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, offers a quail and a bowl of tortillas and a tamale. %802 Before the Altar of the Yawi, %798 Lord 9 Alligator holds an incense burner and an awl of bone. %800 The Flint Staff and the Bundle Staff are planted before the precious Temple of the Feathered Serpent. %804 The Sacred Bundle, the Roll of Paper, and the Fire Drill are placed within the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. %797 The priest Lord 10 Reed sounds a conch. %793 The priest Lord 10 Vulture brings a palm leaf and copal. %796 Within a palace, seated on thrones of stone and jaguar skin %897 are Lord 5 Flower and the young Lady 3 Flint, the new queen. He gives her counsel; he was the priest who trained her. %792 Five gods attend Lady 3 Flint's accession: Lord 1 Death "Sun," Lord of the West, %788 Lord 2 Dog "Ancient Priest," Lord of the North, %789 Lord 9 Wind "Wind," Lord of the Center, %790 Lord 7 Flower "Sun," Lord of the East, %791 and Lady 9 Grass "Death," Lady of the South. %782 The place of the Stars, the Skyband is opened, %898 the place of the Sun and Lord 4 House and Lady 5 Serpent, two ancient ancestors who are venerated upon the altars. %783 From this place, on a Sacred Cord which snakes to the earth descend Lord 3 Flint "Twenty Pearls", with the Flint Staff, %785 and the Bearer of the Bundle Staff, %786 and Lord 5 Dog "Arrow", who carries the weapons. %784 They follow their master, Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye", who carries a temple. %780 Year 4 House, Day 7 Wind is the sacred date. When the priest 12 Wind completes his descent, %887 the Sacred Bundle, the Roll of Paper, and the Fire Drill are placed over the place of origin %781 at River of the Handful of Feathers and of Heaven [Apoala]. %787 There, in a riverside cave dedicated to Lady 1 Eagle, [the Lady 3 Flint "Shell Quechquemitl"?] is seated. She has been transformed into a feathered serpent. %899 Lord 5 Vulture, too, has changed into a feathered serpent in order to be able to enter to the river and meet with her. He gives her an offering of tortillas and tamales. %771 Behind him, on the bank of the River at White Plain, stand %776 the warrior priest Lord 7 Eagle, with an incense burner %773 Lord 6 Death, who offers fire, and %770 Lord 6 Water, with a quail and a bone awl for autosacrifice. %775 Meanwhile, Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" serves as a priest, offering incense and tobacco. He is followed by %772 Meanwhile, Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" serves as a priest, offering incense and tobacco. He is followed by %779 Lord 9 Motion "Torch of Burning Tobacco," %777 and Lord 7 Eagle "Colored Serpent." who carries weapons and the shell for calling the people. %778 and Lord 7 Eagle "Colored Serpent." who carries weapons and the shell for calling the people. %768 near the Enclosure where are planted the Flint Staff and the Bundle Staff %769 They make their offerings at the ceremonial center, before the crenellated Altar of the Yawi at the entrance to the Ballcourt of Darkness, %774 and by the precious Temple of the Feathered Serpent where the Sacred Bundle is placed and below which is the Mouth of the Earth, the Cave. %754 [The Marriage of Lady 3 Flint (Daughter) and Lord 12 Wind] In the Heavens, surrounded by the Stars %902 above the Moon, %903 above the Sun, %763 Lord 4 Alligator "Feathered Coyote Serpent," %764 Lord 4 Alligator "Feathered Coyote Serpent," %758 and Lord 11 Alligator "Jeweled Feathered Serpent." %762 present Temple and Fire Drill to Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" These are symbols of the foundation of a kingdom. %904 The Mouth of the Sky is opened; upon the Sacred Cord %759 Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" descends from the Heavens. He is joined by two companions, all surrounded in darkness: %755 To the left is Lord 3 Flint, who carries the Flint Staff; %765 To the right is the Bearer of the Bundle Staff. %756 Year 6 Rabbit, Day 12 Wind is the sacred date. %760 Upon the Sacred Cord which snakes through the air, the Four Priests travel to the earth: Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye," bearing the temple, with a rattle-staff in his hand. %766 Lord 5 Dog "Arrow", holding chiles, bearing the Sacred Bundle and the Fire Drill, %767 Lord 9 Motion "Torch of Burning Tobacco", bearing the Shell, and %761 Lord 7 Eagle "Colored Serpent" with a palm leaf and an awl for autosacrifice. %757 The four are received ceremonially, hailed by Lord 10 Grass, Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, offering a quail, %753 and Lord 10 Rain, another Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, %749 by Lord 12 Lizard, who offers a red xicolli, %748 and by Lord 12 Vulture, who crosses his arms in reverence. %751 Meanwhile, near the precious Temple, which houses %901 the Sacred Bundle, the Knife of Flint, and the Fire Drill, %746 and near the crenellated Altar of the Yawi, the entrance to the Ballcourt of Darkness, %747 is an enclosure between spikes of corn from which the bride emerges from the mouth of the earth. 1 Death is the sacred date. %900 Before the Altar of the Vessel of the Rain God %752 at the Hill of the Wasp, upon a stony path in the mountains %750 Lord 6 Death, who holds a maguey plant, follows %744 Lord 6 Water, who carries the bride upon his back. As they travel they are met by %740 Lord 1 Flower, who offers them a red xicolli, and %737 Lord 9 Reed "Speared Head," who offers chiles and copal. %745 On the same road there advances a wedding procession: Lord 6 Motion, who brings precious flowers, %741 Lord 7 Flower, who carries an incense burner and scepter, %738 Lord 9 Flower, who sounds the conch shell, %735 and Lord 10 Alligator, who carries a torch. %729 Within the mouth of a cave, bride and groom kneel together. %728 Lady 10 House pours water on the couple from above, %731 Lady 6 Flint pours water on the couple from above %734 Year 10 House, Day 2 Eagle is the sacred date. %725 The young Lady 1 Eagle gives the couple a rolled blanket. %906 The bathing takes place at the foot of the White Hill of Flints where the symbols of the kingdom are placed: %723 the Sacred Bundle of the Knife of Flint 9 Wind, the Roll of Paper, the Fire Drill %719 The sacred date of this place is Year 8 Flint, Day 8 Motion. %727 Later, when they have been newly-wed Lord 12 Wind and Lady 3 Flint go to bed within the palace, covered by the blanket given to them by Lady 1 Eagle. %724 Outside, Lord 10 Reed guards the Flint Staff, %722 and Lord 10 Vulture guards the Bundle Staff. %733 Lord 10 Rain is enthroned in the center of the scene. An ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, he makes offerings of a quail and a bowl. %743 He faces the ancient Lord 1 Grass, seated on a stone. %739 An offering of reeds bound in paper is placed between them. %742 Coming to the marriage festival is a procession of the gods: Lord 13 Flower "Quetzal," with chiles and a bag of copal, %736 Lord 1 Alligator "Alligator," with the Flint Staff, %732 Lord 6 Death "Death," with chiles and a bag of copal, %730 Lord 6 Water, with reeds and a bone awl for autosacrifice, %726 Lady 13 Flower "Quetzal," with a spindle and weaving batten, %721 Lord 1 Alligator "Yawi-Alligator," with weapons, %720 Lord 12 Alligator "Double-Headed Eagle," with chiles and a bag of copal, %716 and Lord 10 Alligator "Eagle." %718 All of this has taken place on the first Day, 1 Alligator, at the Great Cliff of the Cave of the Yawi; %717 the place whose sacred date is Year 5 Reed, Day 12 Alligator. %712 The marriage of Lady 3 Flint "Jade Quechquemitl" %705 and of Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" brings about the origin of the Thirteen Plant Lords. Lord 12 Wind and Lady 3 Flint plant and procreate %713 Lord of the Maguey, %709 Lord Nopal, %706 Lord Trilobe Head, %707 Dead Lord of the Malinalli Grass, %710 Lord of the Flowering Maguey, %714 Lord of the Plant with Colored Branches, %715 Living Lord of the Malinalli Grass, %711 Lord of the Tree with Diverse Leaves, %708 Lord of the Shrub with Diverse Leaves, %704 Lord of the Sharp Leaves, which cut, %700 Lord of the Palm, %703 and the dead Lords of the Palm Leaves, cut and bundled Lord 13 Grass %699 and Lord 13 Jaguar. %702 [The War against the Earth Men] The mortuary bundle of Lord 12 Lizard, %698 and the mortuary bundle of Lady 12 Vulture are honored %696 in the Year 3 Reed, Days 1 Lizard and 6 Dog, %694 by the ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, Lord 10 Grass. %701 Nearby, the gods battle. Lord 9 Wind "Wind of Death" surrenders to %697 Lady 9 Grass " Death." She is priestess of the Bundle Cult; she battles because of the deaths of Lord 12 Lizard and Lady 12 Vulture. %693 The Lord 9 Wind "Lord Wind, Knife of Flint" %689 then attacks the Stone Men, who are wounded and defeated. %686 then attacks the Stone Men, who are wounded and defeated. %687 But one Stone Man succeeds in driving his spear home; %690 he defeats and kills the prince Lord 4 House. %691 The body of Lord 4 House is placed in a scaffold %695 next to the body of his brother, Lord 3 Monkey, also slain. Their bodies are mummified, dried and smoked in the fire, [Both were sons of Lord 12 Lizard and Lady 12 Vulture]. %688 The ancient priest Lord 10 Rain "Jaguar" sings the brothers a 7 Flower song. %692 The sacred dates are Year 3 Reed, Days 6 Dog and 8 Motion. %676 [The War of Heaven] From the star-filled Skyband of 4 Alligator and 11 Alligator %907 the Sky of the Moving Sun %677 the Striped Men descend, armed and dedicated for sacrifice, surrounded in clouds, shouting, hurling a storm to the earth %680 the Striped Men descend, armed and dedicated for sacrifice, surrounded in clouds, shouting, hurling a storm to the earth %683 the Striped Men descend, armed and dedicated for sacrifice, surrounded in clouds, shouting, hurling a storm to the earth %681 Year 12 Flint, Days 12 Flint and 8 Wind are the sacred dates. %678 The ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, Lord 10 Rain performs the ritual of decapitation, %684 joined by the priest Lord 10 Reed, holding a grass knot. %908 Fighting against the Striped Men, at Ballcourt of Hill of Flints, %685 is Lord 1 Alligator "Alligator" who captures a Striped Man and takes him prisoner, %679 and Lord 9 Wind "Flint Knife" who hurls spears, shouting, %675 and Lord 4 Alligator "Double-Headed Eagle." %673 [Lord 12 Wind introduces the Bundle Cult to the Mixteca] Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" sets forth on a journey, carrying the Temple of the Sacred Bundle holding the Flint Staff in his hand. %672 He is guided by Lord 3 Flint, the Bearer of the Sacred Bundle holding the Roll of Paper in his hand. %674 With an offering of firewood burning upon a rosette of leaves %671 the two are received by Lord 4 Alligator "Bloody Eagle", %670 and by his spouse, Lady 1 Death "Sun Fan". %667 They are the rulers of the Mountain Where the Sun Rises. %666 Here, in this kingdom, a Temple for the Sacred Bundle is built, dedicated to Lord 9 Wind. %669 In the temple enclosure the Lord 4 Alligator "Bloody Eagle", dedicates the new cult of the Sacred Bundle, %665 in the Year 1 Reed, on the Day 1 Alligator , %668 in the Year 1 Reed, on the Day 1 Alligator , %682 beneath the Newborn sun of Lord 1 Death, %664 beneath the Skyband of 4 House and 5 Serpent. %661 [Lord 12 Wind carries the Sacred Bundle to Black Mountain] Lord 6 Dog, who carries the Bundle Staff, %662 Lord 3 Flint, Bearer of the Temple and of the Fire Drill, %663 and Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" bearing the Roll of Paper, all travel to the lands surrounding Black Mountain. %660 Meeting them with a ceremonial greeting are the ancient Bearers of the Tobacco Gourd: Lord 10 Rain honors them with the sacrifice of a quail %659 and Lord 10 Grass offers them a fiery torch. %909 Nearby, Lady 1 Serpent "Serpent" kneels on the bank %657 of a spring flowing from a Temple to the Feathered Serpent. Year 7 Flint, Day 7 Flint is the sacred date. %649 Nearby, at the Stone of the Red and White Bundle of Reeds %911 Lord 4 Rain and %910 Lady 7 Flower makes offerings. %912 Year 1 Reed is the sacred date. %648 Other places on the slopes of Black Mountain are Ballcourt of Stone, %650 Place Where the Spear is Thrown, and Bloody Place of Night. %643 Nearby, at the Spring of the Cave of the Tree %913 are the founding couple, Lord 6 Motion and Lady 9 House. %642 Beside the Hill of the Rabbit, %647 in the Ravine of Mud, %645 are Lord 1 Motion %646 and Lady 10 House. %651 At the Black Mountain are these places: Black Altar, Malinalli Grass and Scorpion. %656 On the other side of Black Mountain, the Flint Staff is %658 planted before the Temple of Heaven, Temple of the Flints, where the Sacred Bundle is guarded by the effigy of the warrior Lord [9 Wind] "Knife of Flint." %655 Year 1 Reed, Day 1 Alligator is the sacred date. %914 At the summit of Black Mountain, upon the Altars Beside the Water, %654 the Lady 1 Serpent "Feathered Serpent" is seated. %653 Before her is placed an offering of tortillas and a tamale. %652 She gestures across the water to Lord 7 Death "Jaguar." %644 Lord 4 Lizard "Rain", seated upon a stone, %641 and Lady 8 House "Jaguar" look on. %635 [The First Dynasty of Tilantongo] Year 10 Reed, Day 10 House is the sacred date of the %634 River Where the Skeletal Stone Man is Pierced by a Spear. %639 The couple who found the dynasty of this kingdom are Lord 10 House %633 and Lady 1 Grass. %632 Their son, Lord 3 Eagle, %638 marries Lady 4 Rabbit. To them are born: %637 first, Lord 6 Deer "Arrow-Footed %631 second, Lord 13 Eagle "Jaguar", and [third, Lord 9 Wind "Stone Death", who marries Lady 5 Reed "Jade Quechquemitl."] %630 At Town of Hill of the Quechquemitl, Mountain of the Plant, %636 Lord 9 Wind and Lady 5 Reed are seated as rulers. To this couple are born: %627 first, Lord 10 Flower "Jaguar", and %628 second, Lord 5 Motion "Bird-Headed Jaguar." %626 The first son, Lord 10 Flower "Jaguar," marries Lady 2 Serpent "Serpent." They have the following children: %629 Lady 12 Jaguar "Jeweled Spiderweb," and %625 Lord 12 Lizard "Arrow-Footed," born in the Year 5 Reed. %615 Enthroned in a palace, Lord 12 Lizard "Arrow-Footed" weds Lady 4 Alligator "Jewel-Face", and later marries Lady 4 Flint "Quetzal-Feathered Eagle Head." These two wives are daughters of the sister of Lord 12 Lizard: %614 Lady 12 Jaguar "Jeweled Spiderweb" who had married %618 Lord 10 Reed "Bearer of the Flint Staff." He was the son of %619 Lady 13 Grass and %621 Lord 2 Grass, %624 founding rulers of the Dynasty of Sheared Cliff [Tamazola], %623 the sacred date of which is the Year 8 Reed, Day 4 Jaguar. %622 Other children of this dynasty are: second, Lord 9 Monkey "Warband Tail," %617 third, Lord 10 Grass, "Shell-Eye," %613 fourth, Lord 9 Lizard, "Stone Jaguar," %640 fifth, Lady 1 Vulture "Rain Skirt," %620 sixth, Lady 1 Rain "Venus Quechquemitl," %616 seventh, Lord 10 Flower "Beaked Knife," and %612 eighth, Lord 8 Eagle "He Who Discharges Smoke."